Now, from an epoxy standpoint, we will build a boat from the inside out.
We begin with taking the time for neatness, both because neatness looks good and neatness makes less waste and results in less weight. Neatness means we will be taping all of the inside seams in preparation for epoxy fillets. "Fillets" will always mean epoxy thickened with wood flour to the consistency of ketchup.
When filleting joints, I like the pastry bag technique, which is making enough fillet to fill maybe 2/3's a sandwich bag, twist it up, snip off 1/4" of one corner and use that to apply a fillet right down the tape line. It will take a few bags to work the entire hull. People use all kinds of things for spreading the fillets into the joints and scooping up the excess. What worked well for me here was a plastic spoon.
The pictures speak for themselves here. Neatness counts.
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